How PTC works.

Well, How does PTC work?
PTC works by giving a small amount of money to people in return of them viewing ads.

1. NEVER join a PTC click site where you have to invest before you get money in return.

2. Read the Terms of Service before joining.
Read the TOS. It may be long but it's worth it.
When you read it you may work out that you don't actually earn money, but points, that only can be redeemed for advertising.

3.Beware of Scams.
We live in an un-perfect world. Scams can happen. Scams do happen. But how do we prevent them, especially in the world of PTC? Here are some tips.
  • Sites with high rates per click are probably (and most likely) scams. Websites like these cannot possibly afford these rates!
  • Look on forums in the "Succeses" Area. Only join the sites you see in these areas.
  • Look at the members and new daily members on the site. They are usually displayed on the Home page. If the members and new daily members are zero or low (under about 9 or 10) this is not usually a good sign. People won't usually join a scam site.

These are the keys to success. You get paid by the PTC site for each referral you get to sign up and every time they click.  You can easily TRIPLE your earnings. Just use the link the site gives you and join an online money making forum and put the link(s) in your signature and start making good, valuable posts. You can also make a website or simple blog.

5. Have fun!